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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wedding of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine Middleton

The wedding of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine Middleton took place on Friday, 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London. Prince William, second in the line of succession to Queen Elizabeth II, first met Catherine Middleton in 2001, whilst both were studying at St. Andrews University. Their engagement on 20 October 2010 was announced on 16 November 2010.

The build-up to the wedding and the occasion itself attracted much media attention, with the service being broadcast live around the world, and being compared and contrasted in many ways with the 1981 marriage of William's parents, Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. It was estimated that the wedding would be watched by a global television audience of two billion people.

Much of the attention focused on Middleton's status as a commoner (i.e., not of royal blood or a part of the aristocracy) marrying into royalty. Hours before the service, the Queen conferred the titles Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn, and Baron Carrickfergus upon William. Upon her marriage, Middleton therefore became Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge, but is not styled as 'Princess Catherine'.

As William was not the heir-apparent to the throne, the wedding was not a full state occasion and many details were left to the couple themselves to decide, such as much of the the guest list of about 1,900. It was, however, a public holiday in the United Kingdom and featured many ceremonial aspects, including use of the state carriages and roles for the Foot Guards and Household Cavalry. It was attended by most of the Royal Family, as well as many foreign royals, diplomats, and the couple's chosen personal guests.

Middleton wore a white dress with a 270-centimetre (110 in) train, by British designer Sarah Burton, as well as a tiara lent to her by the Queen. Prince William wore the uniform of his honorary rank of Colonel of the Irish Guards. William's best man was his brother, Prince Harry, while the bride's sister, Pippa, acted as her maid of honour. The wedding ceremony began at 11:00 am BST (UTC+1). John Robert Hall, the Dean of Westminster, conducted the service, with Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, conducting the marriage ceremony itself and Richard Chartres, the Bishop of London, giving the sermon. A reading was given by the bride's brother, James. After the ceremony, the newly-married couple travelled in procession to Buckingham Palace for the traditional appearance on the balcony and a flypast before crowds assembled in The Mall.
Source : http://en.wikipedia.org

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tips to Protect in a Train Accident

Under the state law, a train is considered a common carrier. And being a common carrier, trains are expected to take extreme care of their passengers and in most cases, can be held liable for even the slightest and minor accidents that may occur while passengers are onboard the train.

Train transport is considered as one of the most popular means of transportation in California. The Metrolink, for example, runs 7 line routes with 54 stations and provides about 40,000 commuters in Southern California, including Los Angeles, with fast and reliable transportation daily.

According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, more than 2500 accidents involving trains were reported in 2006 in California. These resulted in about 172 injuries and 6 deaths in the same year.

Causes of Train Accidents

The Department of Transportation reported that a train accident occurs every ninety minutes in the country which are often caused by violations in inspections and maintenance that resulted to death and injuries.

In general, the causes of train accidents may be grouped into five major categories:

1. human factor
2. track and structure changes
3. equipment failure
4. signal and train control
5. other factors such as weather or natural disasters

However, in a recent five year study, it has been determined that majority of train accidents are caused by human factors or track and structure changes. Similar causes are also blamed for many serious events in recent years involving train collisions or derailments resulting in release of hazardous material, or harm to rail passengers.

Safety Measures While Traveling By Train

Here are guidelines to keep you safe during train travel:

On the Passenger Platform

• Always wait behind the line while standing on the platform. Train stops are brief; board immediately.
• Never run on or toward the station platform.
• Never push or shove the person in front of you while standing in line on the platform.

On Board the Train

• Always hold the handrail when climbing or descending the stairs on board the train.
• Always store your belongings under your seat or on your lap, not in the aisles.
• Collect your belongings and move toward the exit only after your station stop has been announced.
• Avoid making frequent walks inside the train.
• Do not crowd the corridors, aisles, walkways, exit ways, or rest room entrances.
• Train stops are brief; be ready to exit immediately.
• Always secure bicycles with the straps located across from the restrooms on each car. Only two bicycles may be stored at each location.
• Never lean on the doors or hold them open.

At Crossings and Tracks

• Never walk or play along the tracks. It is illegal and could result in serious injury or death.
• Never cross the tracks when the gates are down or when the signal indicates that a train is coming. Flashing lights and ringing bells mean STOP and wait for the train to pass.
• Always cross the tracks at designated locations only.
• Always look both ways and use extreme caution.

Protection In Case of Train Accidents

Train commuters should never assume that a train company will always be responsible for injuries that passengers sustained during accidents. In some instances, you will need the services of Los Angeles train accident attorneys to establish who is at fault in the accident. An attorney who has the experience in handling train accident cases can help you pursue your case and claim recovery from injuries or damages. A knowledgeable train accident attorney will ensure that your rights will be protected during a train accident.

Seek the aid of our highly skilled train accident attorneys and be assured quality legal services. Just log on to our website and our Los Angeles personal injury defenders do promise to help you in obtaining positive resolution for your legal action.
By Manuel S

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Largest Tsunami Hits Japan

the largest in Japan's history -- unleashed a 23-foot tsunami and was followed by more than 80 aftershocks for hours,A ferocious tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, killing hundreds of people as it swept away boats, cars and homes while widespread fires burned out of control.
The magnitude-8.9 offshore quake triggered a 23-foot tsunami and was followed for hours by more than 50 aftershocks, many of them more than magnitude 6.0. In the early hours of Saturday, a magnitude-6.7 earthquake struck the central, mountainous part of the country — far from the original quake's epicenter. It was not immediately clear if this latest quake was related to the others.

Tips To Buy Pet Insurance

If you have not already realized, the costs of veterinary care is escalating. By purchasing a pet insurance for our pets is also a wise choice to keep pet care costs within an affordable range. As pets become an important member of our family, purchasing a pet insurance is one of the ways to ensure our pets in getting the best care it possibly deserves.

Here are the 4 simple steps to purchase your pet insurance

1) Pet Insurance Online

Since most pet insurance companies have their own websites, one of the best ways to begin your research in pet insurance is to look for them online. When you do so, you will find a wide variety of insurance options and pricing. Some companies will even give you an additional discount if you purchase their pet insurance online.

However the first thing you should do is to select a number of pet insurance companies and make sure that you only deal with those reputable companies. Therefore check to see if each company is truly legitimate by going through them with The Better Business Bureau website.

Looking for a pet insurance online enables you to look for a policy that suits your needs faster. It is also more accurate because you have access to thousands of different sites. With this much information that can be gotten so easily you will able to make an informed decision in purchasing a proper pet insurance.

2) Pet Insurance Ratings

Since the internet is so easy to access, there will also be just as many scams regarding pet insurance companies. With thousands of pet insurance websites, there is also another method to get the best pet insurance that most suits your needs. That method is by looking at the pet insurance ratings.

By reading the pet insurance ratings you are able to tell which the best pet insurance company is and which insurance company to avoid. If you look at the pet insurance ratings, you can be sure to get what you pay for.

If you are wondering where to look for the pet insurance ratings, you can find most of them done online by independent companies. This is the best done by independent companies because you know that they aren't biased and therefore they are going to give you great information.

3) Pet Insurance Quote

Pet insurance quotes are available since 1928. Today there are numerous pet insurance quotes for you to decide one that most suitable for you and your pet. Furthermore if you get a pet insurance quote with a complete explanation from several carriers will be a very wise choice to make.

i) You can start by getting a pet insurance quote from your veterinarian. In turn, your veterinarian may offer a discount plan intended specially for his clients, or he may recommend a locally based plan that would be more suitable for you and your pet. This sort of pet insurance may be better for you than one of the bigger plans, depending on both your financial means and the breed of your dog.

ii) You can also choose to shop around and ask for pet insurance quotes from different insurance companies. When you ask for different pet insurance quotes, you will have a solid basis when you compare the services and prices of the insurance companies.

One of the reasons for getting several pet insurance quotes from different companies is that often congenital and hereditary illnesses or pre-existing conditions are not covered by pet insurance. Therefore it is best that you do a thorough research and consult your veterinarian.

iii) After you have found reliable pet insurance companies that may meet you and your pet's needs, narrow down to at least five of them. The reason being the more pet insurance quotes you have, the more difficult it is for you to make a choice. If you want to simplify things, you can narrow down your choices right from the start.

4) Compare Pet Insurance

Since there so many pet insurance companies, you will be faced with numerous options. Therefore for you to get the best value for your money you need to compare pet insurance options and policies to see which policy is most suited for you.

Before you start your comparison:

i) You must have a general idea about what options you need for your pet. For example, basic plans are the cheapest but they also cover only the basic emergency and illness care.

ii) You also need to look at things such as deductibles, copays, and lifetime limits.

iii) You need to find out how a claim is filed and how the claim is paid. It is also useful to know what items are excluded and what items have payment limits placed on them.

iv) You should find out if you are allowed to visit the vet of your choice or do you have to use a vet recommended by them.

v) Do also find out which ones cover after hours emergencies such as accidents and sudden serious illness and that if the accident or illness is serious and your pet may require a specialist.

When you find the policy that you feel is most suitable for you then all you have to do is fill out their form which gives them your pet's information. The pet insurance company may also set up to accept payment online.
By Cindy

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Types of Ghosts

You have read volumes about ghosts and have browsed hundreds of websites to devour more information on ghosts, but have you ever wondered how many types of ghosts there are? The fact is that there are various types of ghosts out there and all these are minutely described and documented by the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF).

The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has undertaken extensive research on ghosts in order to demystify this widespread phenomenon and help people in recognising and treating the adverse effects caused by ghosts through proven methodology according to the science of Spirituality.

At the outset, it is important to note that while we use the phrase ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) as a collective noun to cover the entire gamut of negative energies, there is a vast difference between the lower order ghosts and higher order ghosts such as subtle sorcerers (maantriks) from the sixth and seventh region of Hell. They differ according to their spiritual strength. Ghosts primarily use their spiritual strength to harm humanity.

The generic types of ghosts as identified by the Spiritual Science Research Foundation in ascending order of hierarchy as well as power and strength are:
# Common ghost
# Demons
# Black serpent
# Female goblin
# Jaakhin
# Witch
# Spirit
# Subtle sorcerer

The Hierarchy among Ghosts

There is a hierarchy among ghosts which is based on their spiritual power or strength. Ultimately all ghosts are controlled by subtle sorcerers (maantriks).

Basic shape and form of types of ghosts

The spiritual principle that word, touch, form, taste, smell and its associated energy coexist is also true with ghosts. Depending on their type of energy, they take up generic forms. These forms can however change, depending on what the ghost is trying to achieve. For example, if the ghost is trying to intimidate, it will take up an intimidating form, whereas if it is trying to fool a spiritual healer it may take a form of an angel or a positive energy. They can also take the form of our departed ancestors thus misleading psychics and the people who come to psychics to enquire about departed relatives. This is true in almost all cases.

How does one become a Ghost in the first place?

When a person dies only his physical body ceases to exist. His subtle body however continues to exist and moves on to the other regions of the Universe. Some of these subtle bodies become ghosts. Most ghosts have unfulfilled desires such as cravings for sex, alcohol, revenge, etc. or derive pleasure out of exerting control over and tormenting humans and other subtle bodies. The subtle body of a person after physical death is defined as a ghost if their characteristics and intentions match the above. There is no special process as such which they go through to become a ghost.

How does a Ghost become a particular type of Ghost?

The main reason behind a person becoming a certain type of ghost is due to their predominant personality trait and their predominant thought at the time of death. For example people involved in adversely affecting humanity at large are more likely to become subtle sorcerers (maantriks). On the other hand excessive worldly desires and constantly thinking ill about others may culminate in one becoming a Common Ghost (Bhoot) after death.


The most reliable way of reducing the risk of being affected or possessed by the various types of ghosts, is undertaking spiritual practice as per the 5 basic principles of spirituality. Spiritual practice and spiritual healing remedies, coupled with personality defect removal and eradication of ego are the tools to access supreme protection from God that insulates one from the attack of ghosts as well as helps us proceed to higher regions in the afterlife.

Visit SSRF’s website to explore more on the salient features of the various types of ghosts, view subtle drawings and pictures of various types of ghosts and discover how they can affect our lives
By Sean M